This notebook reviews the estimation and inference of a linear random utility model when the agent is facing a finite number of alternatives.
Consider a set of $J+1$ alternatives $\{0,1,2,...,J\}$. The utility that decision maker (DM) $i$ receives from buying projusct $j$ is $$ u_{ij} = x_{ij}' \beta -\alpha p_j + \xi_j+ \epsilon_{ij}.$$ The DM maximizes her utility $$y_i =\arg \min_{j} u_{ij}.$$
We now assume that $\epsilon_{ij}$ are $i.i.d.$ across DMs and across alternatives. In addition, we assume that $\epsilon_{ij}$ are distributed (standard) T1EV. We can write the following Conditional Choice Probabilities (CCP): $$ Pr(y_i = j) = \frac{e^{x_{ij}'\beta}}{\sum_{k=0}^{J}e^{x_{ik}'\beta}}.$$
Aggregate, market-level data In Berry, Levinson, and Pakes (1995) and in many other empirical work following BLP the researcher observes only market-level data. That means that the characteristics vector of the alternatives is not indexed by $i$. The variation in product characteristics are unobserved and get absorbed by the error term $\epsilon$. The choice probabilities become $$ Pr(y = j|x_j, \xi_j; \beta) \ \text{for} \ j=0,,,J = \frac{e^{x_{j}'\beta}}{\sum_{k=0}^{J}e^{x_{k}'\beta}}.$$ The left-hand side is simply the market share of product/alternative $j$. We will denote these market shares as $s_0,s_1,...,s_{J-1}$. The CCP above all have the same denominator. Moreover, for identification reasons, we normalize $x_0 = 0$. Therefore, $$ \frac{s_j}{s_0} = e^{x_j'\beta}.$$
Using Berry's Inversion (1994), and take log for both sides gives us:
$$ \text{ln}(s_j) - \text{ln} (s_0) \ = \delta_j \equiv x_j' \beta - \alpha p_j + \xi_j \ \ \ \ \ \text{(eq} A) $$where
We obtain product characteristics from the annual issues of the Automotive News Market Data Book and you can find BLP.csv.
Data includes the number of cylinders, number of doors, weight, engine displacement, horsepower, length, width, wheelbase, EPA miles per gallon rating (MPG), and dummy variables for whether the car has front-wheel drive, automatic transmission, power steering, and air conditioning.
# Query / DataFramesMeta is used for cleaning dataset
# FixedEffectModels is used for running regression
# Distributions, Random, NLsolve are used for Monte Carlo study
using CSV, DataFrames, Query, DataFramesMeta, FixedEffectModels, Distributions, Random, NLsolve
ENV["COLUMNS"],ENV["LINES"] = 350,50 #This is not specific to Julia, it's a Jupyter notebook environment variable
#dataset ="c:\\data\\BLP.csv"); # <---- change this
dataset ="/Users/jinkim/Dropbox/2020 Summer/dropbox_RA_work/Berry/BLP.csv")
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `using DataFrames;, DataFrame; kw...) │ caller = read(::String) at CSV.jl:40 └ @ CSV /Users/jinkim/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/CSV.jl:40
name | id | year | cy | dr | at | ps | air | drv | p | wt | dom | disp | hp | lng | wdt | wb | mpg | q | firmids | euro | reli | dfi | hp2wt | size | japan | cpi | gasprice | nb_hh | cat | door2 | door3 | door4 | door5 | sampleweight | mpgd | dpm | model | |
String | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | String | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | String | |
1 | ACINTE | 3735 | 1986 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 8.48358 | 2249 | 0 | 97.0 | 113 | 168.5 | 65.6 | 96.5 | 27.0 | 27.807 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.502446 | 1.10536 | 1 | 109.6 | 0.826794 | 88458 | compact | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 27807 | 32.6562 | 0.030622 | ACINTE1986 |
2 | ACINTE | 4030 | 1987 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 8.6787 | 2326 | 0 | 97.0 | 113 | 168.5 | 65.6 | 96.5 | 26.0 | 54.757 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.485813 | 1.10536 | 1 | 113.6 | 0.818662 | 89479 | compact | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 54757 | 31.7591 | 0.031487 | ACINTE1987 |
3 | ACINTE | 4327 | 1988 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 9.55199 | 2390 | 0 | 97.0 | 118 | 171.5 | 65.6 | 99.2 | 17.0 | 57.468 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.493724 | 1.12504 | 1 | 118.3 | 0.785362 | 91066 | compact | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 57468 | 21.6461 | 0.0461978 | ACINTE1988 |
4 | ACINTE | 4421 | 1989 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 10.5403 | 2313 | 0 | 97.0 | 118 | 168.7 | 65.6 | 96.5 | 26.0 | 77.4 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.51016 | 1.10667 | 1 | 124.0 | 0.810081 | 92830 | compact | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 77400 | 32.0956 | 0.0311569 | ACINTE1989 |
5 | ACINTE | 5421 | 1990 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 9.14308 | 2549 | 0 | 1.8 | 130 | 172.9 | 67.4 | 100.4 | 21.0 | 83.599 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.510004 | 1.16535 | 1 | 130.7 | 0.875542 | 93347 | compact | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 83599 | 23.9851 | 0.0416925 | ACINTE1990 |
6 | ACLEGE | 3736 | 1986 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 17.6077 | 2970 | 0 | 152.0 | 151 | 189.4 | 68.3 | 108.6 | 20.0 | 25.062 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.508417 | 1.2936 | 1 | 109.6 | 0.826794 | 88458 | midsize | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 25062 | 24.1898 | 0.0413397 | ACLEGE1986 |
7 | ACLEGE | 4031 | 1987 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 17.8327 | 3078 | 0 | 152.0 | 151 | 189.4 | 68.3 | 108.7 | 20.0 | 54.713 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.490578 | 1.2936 | 1 | 113.6 | 0.818662 | 89479 | midsize | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 54713 | 24.4301 | 0.0409331 | ACLEGE1987 |
8 | ACLEGE | 4328 | 1988 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 17.7599 | 3067 | 0 | 163.2 | 161 | 189.4 | 68.3 | 108.7 | 19.0 | 70.77 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.524943 | 1.2936 | 1 | 118.3 | 0.785362 | 91066 | midsize | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 70770 | 24.1927 | 0.0413348 | ACLEGE1988 |
9 | ACLEGE | 4422 | 1989 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 18.2258 | 3170 | 0 | 163.0 | 160 | 190.6 | 68.9 | 108.7 | 19.0 | 64.6 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.504732 | 1.31323 | 1 | 124.0 | 0.810081 | 92830 | midsize | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 64600 | 23.4545 | 0.0426358 | ACLEGE1989 |
10 | ACLEGE | 5422 | 1990 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 18.9441 | 3139 | 0 | 2.7 | 160 | 188.0 | 68.7 | 106.5 | 19.0 | 53.666 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0.509716 | 1.29156 | 1 | 130.7 | 0.875542 | 93347 | midsize | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 53666 | 21.7008 | 0.0460811 | ACLEGE1990 |
Variable name | Description |
name | Car |
id | Car ID |
ye | Year |
cy | Cylinder |
dr | Number of Doors |
at | Automatic Transmission |
ps | Power Steering |
air | Air Conditioning |
drv | Front Wheel Drive |
p | Price (in \$ 1000's) |
wt | Weight |
dom | Domestic |
disp | Engine Displacement |
hp | Horse Power |
lng | Length |
wdt | Width |
wb | Wheelbase |
mpg | Miles per Gallon |
q | Quantities |
firmids | Firm ID |
euro | Indicator for EURO car |
reli | Rating |
dfi | Indicator for Digital Fuel Injection |
hp2wt | HP to Weight (ratio) |
size | Length X Width (/1000) |
japan | Japan |
cpi | CPI |
gasprice | Gas Price per gallon |
nb_hh | Size of Household (Potential Market Size) |
cat | Size Cateogry |
cat | (Using for nested logit) |
door2 | I(door=2) |
door3 | I(door=3) |
door4 | I(door=4) |
door5 | I(door=5) |
sampleweight | Weights |
mpgd | Miles per gallon (imputed from gas prices) |
dpm | Dollars per miles (imputed from gas prices) |
modelid | Car name |
#summary statistics
variable | mean | std | min | q25 | median | q75 | max | nunique | nmissing | first | last | eltype | |
Symbol | Union… | Union… | Any | Union… | Union… | Union… | Any | Union… | Nothing | Any | Any | DataType | |
1 | name | ACINTE | YUYUGO | 542 | ACINTE | YUYUGO | String | ||||||
2 | id | 2560.89 | 1517.55 | 129 | 1309.0 | 2325.0 | 3927.0 | 5592 | 3735 | 4506 | Int64 | ||
3 | year | 1981.54 | 5.74082 | 1971 | 1977.0 | 1982.0 | 1987.0 | 1990 | 1986 | 1989 | Int64 | ||
4 | cy | 5.3207 | 1.55712 | 0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 12 | 4 | 4 | Int64 | ||
5 | dr | 3.29409 | 0.965154 | 2 | 2.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | 5 | 3 | 2 | Int64 | ||
6 | at | 0.326116 | 0.468896 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
7 | ps | 0.533153 | 0.499012 | 0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Int64 | ||
8 | air | 0.241768 | 0.428251 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
9 | drv | 0.354984 | 0.478616 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Int64 | ||
10 | p | 11.7614 | 8.64378 | 3.39327 | 6.71375 | 8.72865 | 13.0741 | 68.5968 | 8.48358 | 3.50726 | Float64 | ||
11 | wt | 2930.47 | 722.366 | 1445 | 2375.0 | 2861.0 | 3383.0 | 5362 | 2249 | 1832 | Int64 | ||
12 | dom | 0.589986 | 0.491947 | 0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
13 | disp | 177.746 | 102.032 | 1.0 | 109.0 | 151.0 | 231.0 | 500.0 | 97.0 | 68.0 | Float64 | ||
14 | hp | 117.005 | 46.6881 | 39 | 88.0 | 105.0 | 140.0 | 365 | 113 | 52 | Int64 | ||
15 | lng | 186.705 | 20.0657 | 139.0 | 172.2 | 185.0 | 200.0 | 236.0 | 168.5 | 139.0 | Float64 | ||
16 | wdt | 69.6557 | 5.29795 | 53.0 | 65.9 | 69.0 | 73.0 | 81.0 | 65.6 | 60.7 | Float64 | ||
17 | wb | 104.616 | 9.817 | 14.3 | 97.0 | 103.4 | 110.8 | 212.1 | 96.5 | 84.6 | Float64 | ||
18 | mpg | 20.9964 | 5.8107 | 9.13 | 17.0 | 20.0 | 25.0 | 53.0 | 27.0 | 28.0 | Float64 | ||
19 | q | 78.804 | 89.0799 | 0.049 | 15.603 | 47.35 | 109.002 | 646.526 | 27.807 | 10.5 | Float64 | ||
20 | firmids | 13.7438 | 6.25909 | 1 | 8.0 | 16.0 | 19.0 | 26 | 3 | 23 | Int64 | ||
21 | euro | 0.23816 | 0.426053 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Int64 | ||
22 | reli | 3.0433 | 1.29108 | 1 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5 | 5 | 1 | Int64 | ||
23 | dfi | 0.0135318 | 0.115563 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
24 | hp2wt | 0.394375 | 0.0966429 | 0.170455 | 0.336585 | 0.375049 | 0.427509 | 0.947581 | 0.502446 | 0.283843 | Float64 | ||
25 | size | 1.31016 | 0.237637 | 0.756 | 1.13128 | 1.26983 | 1.4527 | 1.888 | 1.10536 | 0.84373 | Float64 | ||
26 | japan | 0.171854 | 0.377338 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Int64 | ||
27 | cpi | 88.3488 | 28.8772 | 40.5 | 60.6 | 96.5 | 113.6 | 130.7 | 109.6 | 124.0 | Float64 | ||
28 | gasprice | 1.02727 | 0.206509 | 0.785362 | 0.826794 | 1.01788 | 1.13523 | 1.47121 | 0.826794 | 0.810081 | Float64 | ||
29 | nb_hh | 81539.0 | 8770.71 | 64778 | 74142.0 | 83527.0 | 89479.0 | 93347 | 88458 | 92830 | Int64 | ||
30 | cat | compact | midsize | 3 | compact | compact | String | ||||||
31 | door2 | 0.341903 | 0.474454 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Int64 | ||
32 | door3 | 0.0419486 | 0.200517 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Int64 | ||
33 | door4 | 0.596301 | 0.490749 | 0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
34 | door5 | 0.0198466 | 0.139505 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Int64 | ||
35 | sampleweight | 78804.0 | 89079.9 | 49 | 15603.0 | 47350.0 | 109002.0 | 646526 | 27807 | 10500 | Int64 | ||
36 | mpgd | 21.1248 | 6.94301 | 8.61178 | 15.9838 | 20.5059 | 24.8007 | 65.4256 | 32.6562 | 34.5645 | Float64 | ||
37 | dpm | 0.052389 | 0.0167817 | 0.0152845 | 0.0403215 | 0.0487664 | 0.0625634 | 0.11612 | 0.030622 | 0.0289315 | Float64 | ||
38 | model | ACINTE1986 | YUYUGO1989 | 2172 | ACINTE1986 | YUYUGO1989 | String |
### Replicate Table 1: Summary Stats
using Statistics
#Add or substrct column names as needed:
cnames = [:year,:cy,:dr,:at,:ps,:air,:drv,:p,:wt,:dom,:disp,:hp,:lng,:wdt,:wb,:mpg]
aggregate(dataset[!,cnames], [:year], mean)
┌ Warning: `aggregate(d, cols, f, sort=false, skipmissing=false)` is deprecated. Instead use combine(groupby(d, cols, sort=false, skipmissing=false), names(d, Not(cols)) .=> f)` │ caller = top-level scope at In[4]:6 └ @ Core In[4]:6
year | cy_mean | dr_mean | at_mean | ps_mean | air_mean | drv_mean | p_mean | wt_mean | dom_mean | disp_mean | hp_mean | lng_mean | wdt_mean | wb_mean | mpg_mean | |
Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 1986 | 4.94615 | 3.43846 | 0.330769 | 0.684615 | 0.323077 | 0.576923 | 11.7826 | 2733.55 | 0.569231 | 160.212 | 110.192 | 180.583 | 67.9892 | 101.829 | 23.5546 |
2 | 1987 | 5.0 | 3.43357 | 0.321678 | 0.72028 | 0.391608 | 0.615385 | 13.4363 | 2785.15 | 0.538462 | 163.357 | 117.028 | 180.416 | 67.9965 | 101.909 | 22.6503 |
3 | 1988 | 5.09333 | 3.44 | 0.4 | 0.766667 | 0.446667 | 0.613333 | 14.8857 | 2847.8 | 0.533333 | 163.836 | 125.053 | 181.756 | 68.2853 | 102.443 | 21.88 |
4 | 1989 | 4.9932 | 2.9932 | 0.37415 | 0.795918 | 0.503401 | 0.680272 | 16.6905 | 2895.97 | 0.496599 | 163.503 | 133.837 | 181.348 | 68.5537 | 103.037 | 21.7891 |
5 | 1990 | 5.0687 | 2.85496 | 0.40458 | 0.816794 | 0.458015 | 0.717557 | 14.0384 | 2923.47 | 0.51145 | 2.7084 | 133.588 | 182.156 | 68.655 | 101.843 | 21.8168 |
6 | 1971 | 6.04348 | 3.36957 | 0.152174 | 0.163043 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 8.85633 | 3176.08 | 0.684783 | 245.548 | 171.891 | 195.446 | 72.9891 | 110.787 | 17.1995 |
7 | 1975 | 5.86022 | 3.26882 | 0.311828 | 0.387097 | 0.107527 | 0.0752688 | 9.64184 | 3328.6 | 0.645161 | 238.5 | 119.473 | 195.312 | 71.7419 | 108.129 | 16.2688 |
8 | 1976 | 5.62626 | 3.28283 | 0.282828 | 0.343434 | 0.10101 | 0.0909091 | 9.49007 | 3159.45 | 0.616162 | 218.66 | 112.889 | 192.515 | 70.8889 | 106.833 | 18.5556 |
9 | 1977 | 5.61053 | 3.24211 | 0.294737 | 0.378947 | 0.0842105 | 0.136842 | 9.86429 | 3070.06 | 0.610526 | 204.085 | 109.463 | 190.747 | 70.4947 | 106.038 | 19.7789 |
10 | 1980 | 5.23301 | 3.35922 | 0.252427 | 0.359223 | 0.174757 | 0.252427 | 10.7269 | 2776.99 | 0.601942 | 179.446 | 99.699 | 185.398 | 69.4854 | 103.684 | 21.6699 |
11 | 1981 | 5.16379 | 3.21552 | 0.336207 | 0.491379 | 0.241379 | 0.232759 | 13.0352 | 2819.37 | 0.517241 | 171.325 | 102.017 | 186.56 | 69.3276 | 103.929 | 22.5 |
12 | 1982 | 4.98182 | 3.32727 | 0.336364 | 0.490909 | 0.236364 | 0.381818 | 11.5913 | 2747.25 | 0.6 | 158.536 | 98.3 | 185.273 | 68.8636 | 103.151 | 23.7727 |
13 | 1983 | 4.88696 | 3.30435 | 0.33913 | 0.530435 | 0.2 | 0.434783 | 11.1408 | 2736.82 | 0.617391 | 156.169 | 97.8522 | 184.087 | 68.7913 | 102.857 | 25.1478 |
14 | 1984 | 4.92035 | 3.35398 | 0.345133 | 0.663717 | 0.283186 | 0.477876 | 11.6477 | 2765.41 | 0.59292 | 166.069 | 107.265 | 183.822 | 68.4637 | 102.735 | 24.1504 |
15 | 1985 | 4.96324 | 3.31618 | 0.345588 | 0.669118 | 0.330882 | 0.522059 | 12.4764 | 2759.99 | 0.566176 | 163.106 | 108.081 | 182.096 | 68.1625 | 102.349 | 22.3868 |
16 | 1978 | 5.57895 | 3.33684 | 0.263158 | 0.347368 | 0.0947368 | 0.178947 | 10.6021 | 2964.8 | 0.642105 | 199.494 | 107.695 | 189.347 | 70.3579 | 105.337 | 19.9263 |
17 | 1979 | 5.33333 | 3.28431 | 0.235294 | 0.313725 | 0.0882353 | 0.215686 | 10.4513 | 2840.49 | 0.598039 | 184.635 | 104.108 | 186.559 | 69.5 | 103.849 | 20.1078 |
18 | 1972 | 6.20225 | 3.44944 | 0.337079 | 0.348315 | 0.0449438 | 0.0 | 9.04282 | 3253.78 | 0.696629 | 256.947 | 134.348 | 196.775 | 73.3146 | 111.563 | 16.3317 |
19 | 1973 | 6.37209 | 3.44186 | 0.395349 | 0.372093 | 0.0697674 | 0.0 | 9.0452 | 3337.42 | 0.709302 | 261.949 | 131.256 | 198.384 | 73.0233 | 111.215 | 16.2506 |
20 | 1974 | 6.0 | 3.30556 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.125 | 0.0 | 9.25473 | 3268.29 | 0.652778 | 239.179 | 122.556 | 196.194 | 71.9306 | 108.874 | 16.3329 |
dataset = @linq dataset |>
groupby([:year]) |>
transform(Total_Q = sum(:q))
dataset.s_j = dataset.q./dataset.nb_hh;
dataset.s_0 = (dataset.nb_hh-dataset.Total_Q)./dataset.nb_hh;
dataset.log_s_j_0 = log.(dataset.s_j) - log.(dataset.s_0);
result = reg(dataset, @formula(log_s_j_0 ~ p+hp2wt+air+mpgd+size ), save = true,);
Linear Model =========================================================================== Number of obs: 2217 Degrees of freedom: 6 R2: 0.390 R2 Adjusted: 0.388 F Statistic: 282.47 p-value: 0.000 =========================================================================== Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p -0.0886398 0.00401348 -22.0855 0.000 -0.0965104 -0.0807692 hp2wt -0.0731735 0.276701 -0.26445 0.791 -0.615794 0.469447 air -0.0380115 0.0726455 -0.523246 0.601 -0.180472 0.104449 mpgd 0.0288388 0.00439518 6.56147 0.000 0.0202197 0.0374579 size 2.40052 0.126801 18.9315 0.000 2.15186 2.64919 (Intercept) -10.2035 0.26002 -39.2412 0.000 -10.7134 -9.69356 ===========================================================================
Note that own price elasticities $(\eta_j$) is given by:
\begin{align} \eta_j & = \frac{\partial Pr(j)}{\partial price_j} \underbrace{\frac{price_j}{Pr(j)}}_{\frac{price_j}{s_j \times M}} \\ & \text{Note that} \ \frac{\partial Pr(j)}{\partial price_j} = \frac{\partial s_j}{\partial price_j} \times M \ \text{where} \ s_j = \frac{e^{\delta_j}}{\sum_k^J e^{\delta_j}} \\ & \text{Appealing to chain rule}: \frac{\partial s_j}{\partial price_j} \ M = \Bigg[ \alpha \frac{e^{\delta_j}}{\sum_k^J e^{\delta_j}} - \alpha \Big( \frac{e^{\delta_j}}{\sum_k^J e^{\delta_j}}\Big)^2 \Bigg] = M \alpha [s_j - s_j^2] = M \alpha s_j[1- s_j]\\ & \text{Rearranging these terms gives us:} \\ & \eta_j = \underbrace{\frac{\partial Pr(j)}{\partial price_j}}_{M \alpha s_j[1- s_j]} \underbrace{\frac{price_j}{Pr(j)}}_{\frac{price_j}{s_j \times M}} = M \alpha s_j[1- s_j] \times \frac{price_j}{s_j} \frac{1}{M} = \underbrace{\alpha \times (1-s_j) \times price_j}_\text{price elasticities for good j} \\ & = \alpha \times (1-s_j) \times price_j \end{align}# Following price elasticities, I can derive price elasticities for each good j, using price coefficients alpha.
price_coef = coef(result)[2];
dataset.e = price_coef * (ones(nrow(dataset))-dataset.s_j) .* dataset.p;
q1 = @from i in dataset begin;
@where i.e >-1
@select {elasticity=i.e}
@collect DataFrame
# IV 1
dataset = @linq dataset |>
groupby([:year]) |>
transform(Total_size = sum(:size));
dataset.iv_size1 = dataset.Total_size - dataset.size;
# IV 2
dataset = @linq dataset |>
groupby([:year , :firmids]) |>
transform(sum_size = sum(:size));
dataset.iv_size2 = dataset.Total_size - dataset.sum_size;
# 2SLS Regression for demand estimation
# First stage: regress price on Z and X
first_stage_result = reg(dataset, @formula(p ~ iv_size1+ iv_size2+hp2wt + air+mpgd+size), save = true, );
Linear Model ========================================================================= Number of obs: 2217 Degrees of freedom: 7 R2: 0.592 R2 Adjusted: 0.591 F Statistic: 534.872 p-value: 0.000 ========================================================================= Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv_size1 -0.030544 0.00999712 -3.05528 0.002 -0.0501487 -0.0109393 iv_size2 0.0919841 0.00809711 11.3601 0.000 0.0761054 0.107863 hp2wt 25.8362 1.31783 19.6051 0.000 23.2518 28.4205 air 9.57023 0.327809 29.1945 0.000 8.92738 10.2131 mpgd -0.272477 0.0270151 -10.0861 0.000 -0.325455 -0.219499 size 2.25533 0.727117 3.10174 0.002 0.829424 3.68123 (Intercept) -5.21123 1.50736 -3.4572 0.001 -8.16721 -2.25525 =========================================================================
# Second Stage: regress log(s_j)-log(s_0) on xhat
xhat = predict(first_stage_result, dataset);
dataset.p_iv = xhat;
second_stage_result = reg(dataset, @formula(log_s_j_0 ~ p_iv+hp2wt + air+mpgd+size), save = true);
Linear Model ============================================================================ Number of obs: 2217 Degrees of freedom: 6 R2: 0.355 R2 Adjusted: 0.354 F Statistic: 243.848 p-value: 0.000 ============================================================================ Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- p_iv -0.289427 0.0156063 -18.5455 0.000 -0.320032 -0.258823 hp2wt 5.63223 0.513603 10.9661 0.000 4.62503 6.63942 air 2.18099 0.182327 11.9619 0.000 1.82344 2.53854 mpgd -0.00984143 0.00536771 -1.83345 0.067 -0.0203677 0.000684853 size 2.19676 0.131213 16.7419 0.000 1.93944 2.45407 (Intercept) -9.5444 0.271767 -35.1198 0.000 -10.0773 -9.01145 ============================================================================
price_coef = coef(second_stage_result)[2];
dataset.e_iv = price_coef * (ones(nrow(dataset))-dataset.s_j) .* dataset.p;
q1 = @from i in dataset begin;
@where i.e_iv >-1
@select {number_of_children=i.e_iv}
@collect DataFrame
# OLS Results
Linear Model =========================================================================== Number of obs: 2217 Degrees of freedom: 6 R2: 0.390 R2 Adjusted: 0.388 F Statistic: 282.47 p-value: 0.000 =========================================================================== Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p -0.0886398 0.00401348 -22.0855 0.000 -0.0965104 -0.0807692 hp2wt -0.0731735 0.276701 -0.26445 0.791 -0.615794 0.469447 air -0.0380115 0.0726455 -0.523246 0.601 -0.180472 0.104449 mpgd 0.0288388 0.00439518 6.56147 0.000 0.0202197 0.0374579 size 2.40052 0.126801 18.9315 0.000 2.15186 2.64919 (Intercept) -10.2035 0.26002 -39.2412 0.000 -10.7134 -9.69356 ===========================================================================
# 2SLS Results
Linear Model ============================================================================ Number of obs: 2217 Degrees of freedom: 6 R2: 0.355 R2 Adjusted: 0.354 F Statistic: 243.848 p-value: 0.000 ============================================================================ Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- p_iv -0.289427 0.0156063 -18.5455 0.000 -0.320032 -0.258823 hp2wt 5.63223 0.513603 10.9661 0.000 4.62503 6.63942 air 2.18099 0.182327 11.9619 0.000 1.82344 2.53854 mpgd -0.00984143 0.00536771 -1.83345 0.067 -0.0203677 0.000684853 size 2.19676 0.131213 16.7419 0.000 1.93944 2.45407 (Intercept) -9.5444 0.271767 -35.1198 0.000 -10.0773 -9.01145 ============================================================================
Market is characterized by dupoly firms which procuce single good, with aggregate market shares, and price for each good. We assume that duopoly firms compete in 500 "independent" (isolated) markets.
In D.G.P., we solve Nash-Bertrand game so that we derive dupoly firm's price, and market shares. We use cost shifters and product characteritics to numerically solve this game. Since it is D.G.P. we use true parameters to obtain price, and market shares.
As an econometrician, we observe dupoly firm's market share, price, costs, and product characteristics.
The utility of each consumer $i$ in each market is given by:
\begin{equation} u_{ij} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_j + \sigma_d \xi_j - \alpha p_j + \epsilon_{ij} \end{equation}Marginal cost is constrained to be postitive and given by:
\begin{equation} c_j = e^{\gamma_0 + \gamma_x x_j + \sigma_c \xi_j + \gamma_w w_j + \sigma_\omega \omega_j} \end{equation}The exogenous data $x_j, \xi_j, w_j, $ and $\omega_j$ are all created standard normal random variables.
True parameter is given by:
Parameter | True Value | Description |
$ \beta_0$ | 5 | Intercept (demand) |
$ \beta_x$ | 2 | Utility from good $x$ |
$ \sigma_d$ | 1 / 3 (second monte carlo) | Covariance |
$\alpha $ | 1 | Price coefficients |
$ \gamma_0$ | 1 | Intercept (Supply) |
$\gamma_x $ | 5 | Cost from good $x$ |
$ \sigma_c$ | 0.25 | Covariance $(\xi_j)$ |
$ \gamma_w$ | 0.25 | Parameters for input costs |
$ \sigma_\omega$ | 0.25 | Covariance $(\omega_j)$ |
I solve nonlinear equation where under j=1,2. (Argument: $p_1, p_2, s_1(p_1, p_2), s_2(p_1,p_2)$) $X$ is a vector dupoly firm's product charactersitics $ X = \{ x_1, x_2 \}$ Note that $s_0 = 1-s_1-s_2$
\begin{align} p_1 & = c_1 - \frac{1}{\alpha (1-s_1)} \\ p_2 & = c_2 - \frac{1}{\alpha (1-s_2)} \\ & \text{Note that $s_1$, and $s_2$ is given by} \\ s_1(X,p_1, p_2) & = \frac{exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \sigma_d \xi_1 - \alpha p_1}}{1+exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \sigma_d \xi_1 - \alpha p_1} +exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_2 + \sigma_d \xi_2 - \alpha p_2} } \\ s_2(X,p_1, p_2) & = \frac{exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_2 + \sigma_d \xi_2 - \alpha p_2}}{1+exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \sigma_d \xi_1 - \alpha p_1} + exp^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_2 + \sigma_d \xi_2 - \alpha p_2}} \end{align}Using Nonlinear solver, we can obtain equilibrium outcome: $p_1, p_2, s_1, s_2 (s_0= 1-s_1-s_2).$ One might concern about multiple equilibria for this game. Since we solve single product under duopoly (which is simple market), we observe unique solution for this Monte Carlo Study. Please see Nalebuff (1991) for multi-product firm problem, or uniquness of this game.
Following Berry's inversion an econometrician run following OLS/IV regression. An econometrician observes price, product characteristics, and cost shifters for 500 independent dupoly markets.
\begin{align} \text{ln} (s_j) - \text{ln} (s_0) \ & = \delta_j \\ & = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_j - \alpha p_j + \sigma_d \xi_j \end{align}For IV, I use cost shifters, and competitors' product characteristics, as in Berry (1994)
Note that in OLS, since an econometrician cannot observe $\xi_j$ term, price coefficients $\alpha$ is upward biased. In the IV regression, the observed cost factors, $w_j$, and the product characteristic of the rival firm are used as instruments for price.
# Define parameters, as in Berry's 1994 Monte Carlo
beta_0 = 5.0
beta_x = 2.0
sigma_d = 1.0
alpha = -1.0
gamma_0 = 1.0
gamma_x = 0.5
sigma_c = 0.25
gamma_w = 0.25
sigma_omega = 0.25
T = 500
S = 100
d = Normal()
Normal{Float64}(μ=0.0, σ=1.0)
# Define Non-linear solver
function f!(F, x)
# D.G.P for true costs
cost_1 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp1[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp1[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp1[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp1[:omega])
cost_2 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp2[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp2[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp2[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp2[:omega])
# Derive equillibrium price / quantity(markset shares)
price_1 = cost_1 - 1/(alpha*(1-x[1]))
price_2 = cost_2 - 1/(alpha*(1-x[2]))
#x[1]: market share of good 1
#x[2]: market share of good 2
denom = 1 + exp(beta_0 + beta_x*data_temp1[:x] + sigma_d*data_temp1[:xi] + alpha*price_1) + exp(beta_0 + beta_x*data_temp2[:x] + sigma_d*data_temp2[:xi] + alpha*price_2)
F[1] = x[1] - exp(beta_0 + beta_x*data_temp1[:x] + sigma_d*data_temp1[:xi] + alpha*price_1)/denom
F[2] = x[2] - exp(beta_0 + beta_x*data_temp2[:x] + sigma_d*data_temp2[:xi] + alpha*price_2)/denom
### It takes 5 seconds, at the current workflow
sigma_d = 1
for s = 1:S
### Step B1. D.G.P.
# If you want to have same results, you need to assign random seed
x_1 = rand(d, T);
xi_1 = rand(d, T);
w_1 = rand(d, T);
omega_1 = rand(d, T);
x_2 = rand(d, T);
xi_2 = rand(d, T);
w_2 = rand(d, T);
omega_2 = rand(d, T);
data_1 = DataFrame(x = x_1[1:T], xi = xi_1[1:T], w = w_1[1:T], omega = omega_1[1:T], iv=x_2[1:T]);
data_2 = DataFrame(x = x_2[1:T], xi = xi_2[1:T], w = w_2[1:T], omega = omega_2[1:T], iv=x_1[1:T]);
# For the first periods
data_temp1 = data_1[1,:]
data_temp2 = data_2[1,:]
global data_temp1, data_temp2
### Step B2. Solve Equilibrium price and market shares using nonlinear-solver
a= nlsolve(f!, [0.1; 0.1])
vector_s1 = [[1]]
vector_s2 = [[2]]
vector_s0 = [[1][2]]
cost_1 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp1[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp1[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp1[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp1[:omega])
cost_2 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp2[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp2[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp2[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp2[:omega])
vector_p1 = [cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1]))]
vector_p2 = [cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2]))]
vector_delta_1 = [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp1[:x] + alpha*(cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1])) )]
vector_delta_2 = [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp2[:x] + alpha*(cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2])) )]
# From the second market to T markets.
for t = 2:T
data_temp1 = data_1[t,:]
data_temp2 = data_2[t,:]
# Step 1. Solve Equilibrium price / market shares
a= nlsolve(f!, [0.0; 0.0])
append!(vector_s1, [[1]]);
append!(vector_s2, [[2]]);
append!(vector_s0, [[1][2]]);
cost_1 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp1[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp1[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp1[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp1[:omega])
cost_2 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp2[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp2[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp2[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp2[:omega])
append!(vector_p1, [cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1]))]);
append!(vector_p2, [cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2]))]);
append!(vector_delta_1, [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp1[:x] + alpha*(cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1])) )]);
append!(vector_delta_2, [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp2[:x] + alpha*(cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2])) )]);
data_1.price = vector_p1;
data_2.price = vector_p2;
data_1.s = vector_s1;
data_2.s = vector_s2; = vector_delta_1; = vector_delta_2;
data_1.log_sj_s0 = log.(vector_s1) - log.(vector_s0);
data_2.log_sj_s0 = log.(vector_s2) - log.(vector_s0);
# Merge into dataset
data_merged = append!(data_1, data_2);
### B3. Regress using OLS / IV
## OLS Regression
ols_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(log_sj_s0 ~ x + price), save = true, Vcov.robust());
ols_cons = coef(ols_result)[1];
ols_x = coef(ols_result)[2];
ols_p = coef(ols_result)[3];
## IV Regression
first_stage_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(price ~ iv + w +x), save = true, Vcov.robust());
xhat = predict(first_stage_result, data_merged);
data_merged.xhat = xhat;
iv_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(log_sj_s0 ~ x + xhat), save = true, Vcov.robust());
iv_cons = coef(iv_result)[1];
iv_x = coef(iv_result)[2];
iv_p = coef(iv_result)[3];
if s == 1
vector_ols_cons = [ols_cons]
vector_ols_x = [ols_x]
vector_ols_p = [ols_p]
vector_iv_cons = [iv_cons]
vector_iv_x = [iv_x]
vector_iv_p = [iv_p]
# Store Monte Carlo Results
global vector_ols_cons, vector_ols_x, vector_ols_p, vector_iv_cons, vector_iv_x, vector_iv_p
append!(vector_ols_cons, [ols_cons])
append!(vector_ols_x, [ols_x])
append!(vector_ols_p, [ols_p])
append!(vector_iv_cons, [iv_cons])
append!(vector_iv_x, [iv_x])
append!(vector_iv_p, [iv_p])
print("Monte Carlo Parameter Estimates 100 Random Samples of 500 Duopoly Markets Logit Utility (sigma_d = 1)")
result_summary =DataFrame( True_parameter = [beta_0, beta_x, alpha], OLS_mean = [mean(vector_ols_cons),mean(vector_ols_x),mean(vector_ols_p)], OLS_se = [std(vector_ols_cons),std(vector_ols_x),std(vector_ols_p)],
IV_mean = [mean(vector_iv_cons),mean(vector_iv_x),mean(vector_iv_p)], IV_se =[std(vector_iv_cons),std(vector_iv_x),std(vector_iv_p)]);
print("Result Summary")
Monte Carlo Parameter Estimates 100 Random Samples of 500 Duopoly Markets Logit Utility (sigma_d = 1)Result Summary3×5 DataFrame │ Row │ True_parameter │ OLS_mean │ OLS_se │ IV_mean │ IV_se │ │ │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ ├─────┼────────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────┼───────────┤ │ 1 │ 5.0 │ 3.1872 │ 0.235697 │ 5.01814 │ 0.266852 │ │ 2 │ 2.0 │ 1.33611 │ 0.0742151 │ 2.01013 │ 0.0994837 │ │ 3 │ -1.0 │ -0.63979 │ 0.0482097 │ -1.00436 │ 0.0513297 │
sigma_d = 3.0
for s = 1:S
### Step B1. D.G.P.
# If you want to have same results, you need to assign random seed
x_1 = rand(d, T);
xi_1 = rand(d, T);
w_1 = rand(d, T);
omega_1 = rand(d, T);
x_2 = rand(d, T);
xi_2 = rand(d, T);
w_2 = rand(d, T);
omega_2 = rand(d, T);
data_1 = DataFrame(x = x_1[1:T], xi = xi_1[1:T], w = w_1[1:T], omega = omega_1[1:T], iv=x_2[1:T]);
data_2 = DataFrame(x = x_2[1:T], xi = xi_2[1:T], w = w_2[1:T], omega = omega_2[1:T], iv=x_1[1:T]);
# For the first periods
data_temp1 = data_1[1,:]
data_temp2 = data_2[1,:]
global data_temp1, data_temp2
### Step B2. Solve Equilibrium price and market shares using nonlinear-solver
a= nlsolve(f!, [0.1; 0.1])
vector_s1 = [[1]]
vector_s2 = [[2]]
vector_s0 = [[1][2]]
cost_1 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp1[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp1[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp1[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp1[:omega])
cost_2 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp2[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp2[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp2[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp2[:omega])
vector_p1 = [cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1]))]
vector_p2 = [cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2]))]
vector_delta_1 = [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp1[:x] + alpha*(cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1])) )]
vector_delta_2 = [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp2[:x] + alpha*(cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2])) )]
# From the second market to T markets.
for t = 2:T
data_temp1 = data_1[t,:]
data_temp2 = data_2[t,:]
# Step 1. Solve Equilibrium price / market shares
a= nlsolve(f!, [0.0; 0.0])
append!(vector_s1, [[1]]);
append!(vector_s2, [[2]]);
append!(vector_s0, [[1][2]]);
cost_1 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp1[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp1[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp1[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp1[:omega])
cost_2 = exp(gamma_0 + gamma_x * data_temp2[:x] + sigma_c * data_temp2[:xi] + gamma_w * data_temp2[:w] + sigma_omega * data_temp2[:omega])
append!(vector_p1, [cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1]))]);
append!(vector_p2, [cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2]))]);
append!(vector_delta_1, [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp1[:x] + alpha*(cost_1 - 1/(alpha*([1])) )]);
append!(vector_delta_2, [beta_0 + beta_x * data_temp2[:x] + alpha*(cost_2 - 1/(alpha*([2])) )]);
data_1.price = vector_p1;
data_2.price = vector_p2;
data_1.s = vector_s1;
data_2.s = vector_s2; = vector_delta_1; = vector_delta_2;
data_1.log_sj_s0 = log.(vector_s1) - log.(vector_s0);
data_2.log_sj_s0 = log.(vector_s2) - log.(vector_s0);
# Merge into dataset
data_merged = append!(data_1, data_2);
### B3. Regress using OLS / IV
## OLS Regression
ols_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(log_sj_s0 ~ x + price), save = true, Vcov.robust());
ols_cons = coef(ols_result)[1];
ols_x = coef(ols_result)[2];
ols_p = coef(ols_result)[3];
## IV Regression
first_stage_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(price ~ iv + w +x), save = true, Vcov.robust());
xhat = predict(first_stage_result, data_merged);
data_merged.xhat = xhat;
iv_result = reg(data_merged, @formula(log_sj_s0 ~ x + xhat), save = true, Vcov.robust());
iv_cons = coef(iv_result)[1];
iv_x = coef(iv_result)[2];
iv_p = coef(iv_result)[3];
if s == 1
vector_ols_cons = [ols_cons]
vector_ols_x = [ols_x]
vector_ols_p = [ols_p]
vector_iv_cons = [iv_cons]
vector_iv_x = [iv_x]
vector_iv_p = [iv_p]
# Store Monte Carlo Results
global vector_ols_cons, vector_ols_x, vector_ols_p, vector_iv_cons, vector_iv_x, vector_iv_p
append!(vector_ols_cons, [ols_cons])
append!(vector_ols_x, [ols_x])
append!(vector_ols_p, [ols_p])
append!(vector_iv_cons, [iv_cons])
append!(vector_iv_x, [iv_x])
append!(vector_iv_p, [iv_p])
print("Monte Carlo Parameter Estimates 100 Random Samples of 500 Duopoly Markets Logit Utility (sigma_d = 1)")
result_summary =DataFrame( True_parameter = [beta_0, beta_x, alpha], OLS_mean = [mean(vector_ols_cons),mean(vector_ols_x),mean(vector_ols_p)], OLS_se = [std(vector_ols_cons),std(vector_ols_x),std(vector_ols_p)],
IV_mean = [mean(vector_iv_cons),mean(vector_iv_x),mean(vector_iv_p)], IV_se =[std(vector_iv_cons),std(vector_iv_x),std(vector_iv_p)]);
print("Result Summary")
Monte Carlo Parameter Estimates 100 Random Samples of 500 Duopoly Markets Logit Utility (sigma_d = 3)3×5 DataFrame │ Row │ True_parameter │ OLS_mean │ OLS_se │ IV_mean │ IV_se │ │ │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ ├─────┼────────────────┼───────────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │ 1 │ 5.0 │ -0.762803 │ 0.418897 │ 5.03208 │ 0.847055 │ │ 2 │ 2.0 │ 0.0195958 │ 0.115257 │ 1.99649 │ 0.301829 │ │ 3 │ -1.0 │ 0.105563 │ 0.0831606 │ -1.00709 │ 0.166926 │
Berry, Steven T. "Estimating discrete-choice models of product differentiation." The RAND Journal of Economics (1994): 242-262.
Berry, Steven, James Levinsohn, and Ariel Pakes. "Automobile prices in market equilibrium." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1995): 841-890.